Advanced Object Types


Creates a single object that is composed of line and arc segments
A connected sequence of segments created as a single planar object

Line & Arc

Home tab > Draw panel > Polyline

Pick a point and point vertically down
Enter 40
Press [Enter]

Command Line: Arc

Pointing to right horizontally
Enter 20
Press [Enter]

Continue pointing to right
Enter 20
Press [Enter]

Command Line: Line

Pointing up vertically
Enter 40
Press [Enter]

Command Line: Close

Object close to the first point

Flip Arc Direction

Home tab > Draw panel > Polyline

Pick a point and point vertically down
Enter 40
Press [Enter]

Command Line: Arc

Pointing to right horizontally
Enter 20
Press [Enter]

Continue pointing to right
Hold Ctrl key down and drag the cursor down a little bit
Arc flip to opposite direction

Move cursor back to horizontally
Enter 20
Press [Enter]

Command Line: Line

Pointing up vertically
Enter 40
Press [Enter]

Command Line: Close

Object close to the first point


Home tab > Draw panel > Polyline

Pick a point

Command Line: Width

Enter for starting width
Press [Enter]

Press [Enter] to confirm the ending width as 3

Pointing cursor up vertically
Enter 40
Press [Enter]

Command Line: Width

Starting width: 10
Press [Enter]

Ending width: 0
Press [Enter]

Pointing up vertically
Enter 25
Press [Enter]

Press [Enter] to end the command

Arc & Width

Home tab > Draw panel > Polyline

Pick point and pointing up vertically
Enter 40
Press [Enter]

Command Line: Arc

Pointing to right

Command Line: Width

Press [Enter] for the starting width 0

Ending width8
Press [Enter]

Pointing to right horizontally
Enter 30
Press [Enter]

Command Line: Line

Pointing down
Enter 40
Press [Enter]

Press [Enter] to end the command

Polyline Edit

Double-click on the polyline


Select Open

Press [Enter] to end the command


Home tab > Draw panel > Line

Draw line to close the opening

Double-click on the polyline
Select Join

Cross-select line and polyline

Press [Enter]
Line and polyline join into a single polyline object


Double-clcik on the polyline
Select Width

Enter the width
Press [Enter]

Same width applied to all segments

Convert Polyline to Line or Arc

Home tab > Modify panel > Explode

Cross-select polyline

Press [Enter]
A single polyline convert to line and arc objects
Line and arc are no width

Convert Line & Arc to Polyline

Enter PE Polyline Edit command
Press [Enter]

Command Line: Multiple

Cross-select all objects
Press [Enter]

Press [Enter] again for the Yes option

Select Join

Press [Enter] for the 0 fuzz distance

Lines and arcs convert to polyline objects and join into a single object


Creates a smooth curve that pass through or near a set of fit point, or by the vertices in a control frame.
The only command to create free-form objects


Home tab > Draw panel expand > Spline Fit

Specify first point

Specify next point

Specify next point

Specify next point

Specify next point

Specify next point

Press [Enter]
smooth curve form by the points specified


Home tab > Draw panel expand > Spline Fit

Specify first point

Specify next point

Specify next point

Specify next point

Command Line: Close

smooth object form through multiple points

Spline Edit

Double-click on the spline
Select convert to Polyline

Press [Enter] for the default precision

A spline convert to polyline

You need to convert the smooth spline object to polyline object for CNC machine to cut the shape


Creates an ellipse or elliptical arc
Ellipse defined by major axis and minor axis

Home tab > Draw panel > Axis, End

Pick a point and pointing horizotally
Enter 430 for major axis
Press [Enter]

Enter 135 for minor axis
Press [Enter]

Home tab > Draw panel > Elliptical Arc

Command Line: Center

Pick a center point and pointing horizontally
Enter 250 for major axis
Press [Enter]

Enter 170 for minor axis
Press [Enter]

For counter-clockwise rule
Pick starting point on left

Pick ending point on right

Home tab > Draw panel > Line

Draw a line 200 on right

Repeat Line command
Draw another line 200 on the left

Home tab > Draw panel > Arc - Start, End, Radius

For counter-clockwise rule
Pick starting point on right

Pick ending point on left

Pointing to center and enter 930 for radius

Arc created on top of the drawing

Home tab > Draw panel > Circle

Draw 2 circles 20 30 at the center

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