Getting Information


Information of drawn objects

View tab > Palettes panel > Properties

Properties displayed depend on the selected object

You can edit some properties to update the selected object

If more than one object is selected, only the common properties is displayed.

You can select individual object from the list

Quick Select

Creates a selection set based on filtering criteria

Home tab > Utilities panel > Quick Select

Select Object type

Select Properties

Select Operator

Select Value

Click OK

Objects in drawing match the criteria are selected


Obtain exact measurement of the created objects


Measures the distance between points along X, Y and Z component distances.

Home tab > Utilities panel > Measure - Distance

Specify first point

Specify second point

Distance dusplayed


Measures the radius and diameter of a specified arc, circle or polyline arc.

Select Radius

Select the arc

Radius displayed


Measures the angle associated with selected arc, circle, polyline segments and line objects.

Select Angle

Select the same arc

Angle displayed

Select Angle again

Select first line

Select second line

Angle displayed


Measure area by pick points to defined boundary

Select Area

Pick first point

Pick second point

Pick third point

Pick forth point

Pick fifth point

Pick sixth point

Press [Enter]
Area displayed

ID Point

Displays the UCS coordinate values of specified location

Home tab > Utilities panel expand > ID Point

Pick a point
X, Y coordinates displayed.


Displays pproperty data for selected objects

Home tab > Properties panel expand > List

Select door block

Select a line

Press [Enter]
Properties of selected objects displayed

You can copy and paste to any text editor, like Note Pad or Microsoft Word.

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