Polar Tracking & PolarSnap- Drawing Precision

Polar Tracking

Restricts cursor movement to specified angles

Status bar - Tracking Settings

Increment angle: 45
Additional angles: 22, 338.
Polar Angle measurement - Absolute
Click OK

Home tab > Draw panel > Line

Pick a point and pointing up vertically - alignment path displayed
Enter 400
Press [Enter]

Move cursor to angle 45 - alignment path displayed
Enter 100 and press [Enter]

Move cursor to angle 135
Enter 100 and press [Enter]

Repeat the same steps
Draw another 2 lines 100 at angle 45 and 135

Move cursor to angle 22
Enter 300 and press [Enter]

Move cursor to angle 135
Enter 600 and press [Enter]

Move cursor to angle 225
Enter 600 and press [Enter]

Move cursor to angle 338
Enter 300 and Press [Enter]

Move cursor to angle 225
Enter 100 and press [Enter]

Repeat the same steps
Draw 3 lines 100 at angle 315, 225, 315.

Pointing downward vertically
Enter 400 and press [Enter]

Command Line: Close

Drawing close to the starting point


Restricts cursor movement to specified increments along a polar angle

Status bar - Snap - Snap Settings

Snap type: PolarSnap
Polar Distance: 100
Click OK

Home tab > Draw panel > Line

Pick a point and pointing up vertically to get the angle right
Move cursor along the alignment path
A X icon stick to the increment of 100
Move cursor up until 400 displayed
Pick a point

Move cursor to angle 45
Move cursor along alignment path until 100 displayed
Pick a point

Repeat the same increment distance 100 along the angles 135, 45, 135 to draw 3 lines.

Move cursor to angle 22
Move cursor along alignment path until 300 displayed
Pick a point

Move cursor to angle 135
Move cursor along alignment path until 600 displayed
Pick a point

Move cursor to angle 225
Move cursor along alignment path until 600 displayed
Pick a point

Move cursor to angle 338
Move cursor along alignment path until 300 displayed

Pick a point

Move cursor to angle 225
Move cursor along alignment path until 100 displayed

Pick a point

Repeat the same increment distance 100 along the angles 315, 225, 315 to draw 3 lines.

Move cursor downward to angle 270
Move cursor along alignment path until 400 displayed
Pick a point

Move and snap to the the starting point
Pick a point

Press [Enter] to end Line command

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