Getting Start



Providing easy access to a variety of initial actions:

  • Drawing template
  • Recently Opened Drawings
  • Sheet Sets
  • Online and Learning Options

Quick Access Toolbar

Display frequrently used tools


Composed of a series of tabs,which are organized into panels that contain many of the tools and controls available in toolbars

Command Line

Display the options of the command


Model Space: Model
Paper Space: Layout

Status bar

Displays drawing tools, and tools that affect the drawing environmnet:

Polar Tracking (F10)

Object Snap Tracking (F11)

Object Snap (F3)

Above tools must be on (blue) for the proper drawing environment

Navigating in Drawing


Hover cursor over object, roll mouse-wheel up to Zoom-in.

Roll mouse-wheel down to Zoom-out

Pan to move around with the same scale

Double-click on mouse-wheel to Zoom-extents

Coordinate System

The locations in the drawing

Cartesian Coordinates

Indicate a point's distance and its direction (+ or -) along X, Y axes relative to the coordinate system origin (0,0)

Polar Coordinates

Use a distance and an angle to locate a point

Enter absolute coordinates based on the origin (0,0)
Enter relative coordinates based on the last point specified

Save Drawing

Save drawing for user using lower version

QAT > Save As

File of type: Select the equal or below version

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