
Layers organize objects by categories (Wall, Column, Furniture, Electrical...) and enforce properties (Color, Linrtype, Lineweight).

Create Layer

Home tab > Layers panel > Layer Properties

Layer Properties Manager - New Layer

Enter layer name

Click color White

Select color
Click OK

Click linetype Continuous

Click Load

Select Hidden
Click OK

Select Hidden
Click OK

Click Lineweight Default

Select 0.30 mm
Click OK

Repeat same steps, create other layers and assigned properties.

Click the arrow to sort the layers descending or ascending by name

Shift Object's Layer

Shift objects to different layer

By Layer List

Select object

Select layer from the layer list
Object shift to the selected layer

By Match Properties

Applies the properties of a selected object to other objects

Home tab > Properties panel > Match Properties

Select source object

Select multiple objects to applied the same properties

Using Layers

Select Freeze icon beside the column layer

All columns become invisible in the drawing

Cross-select all exterior walls

Select layer Wall_Exterior from the layer list

All selected objects shift to layer Wall_Exterior
Hover cursor to displayed the object's layer

Select Freeze icon beside the layer Column to thaw it

All columns become visible

Make layer Wall_Interior current

Home tab > Draw panel > Line

Pick a point and pointing downward
Enter 2800
Press [Enter]

Get the distance from the left column by Object Snap Tracking

Pick endpoint of the left column
Press [Enter]

Repeat Line command

Pick a point and pointing upward
Enter 750
Press [Enter]

Get the distance from left endpoint by Object Snap Tracking

Pick the endpoint
Press [Enter]

Repeat Line command

Pick the right endpoint and pointing to left
Enter 3250
Press [Enter]

Pointing downward and pick a point intersect with the bottom line

Press [Enter]

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