Object Snap Tracking - Drawing Precision

Create objects at specific angles or in specific relationship to other objects along specified directions called alignment paths.

  • Object Snap Tracking works in conjuction with object snaps
  • Track along alignment path that are based on object snap points
  • Acquired point display a small plus sign (+)
  • After acquire a point, horizontal, vertical or polar alignments relative to the point are displayed as you move along the path.

Status bar - Polar Tracking - Tracking Settings

Tracking orthogonally only
Click OK

Home tab > Draw panel > Circle

Pick a center point

Acquire a point on the hidden line on top view

Move cursor downward vertically
Alignment path displayed
Move cursor downward until vertical alignment path meet the horizontal path
Pick a point

Home tab > Draw panel > Arc - Center, Start, End

Pick a center point

Acquire a point from the top view

Move cursor downward to meet the horizontal path
Pick a point

Move cursor to left until meet the horizontal path
Pick a point to draw the arc

Start Line command

Pick endpoint on the arc

Acquire a point on top view

Move cursor downward to meet the horizontal path
Pick a point

Acquire a point on right view

Move cursor back horizontally until angle 90
Pick a point

Acquire a point on top view

Move cursor downward until meet the horizontal path
Pick a point

Move cursor up to intersect the horizontal line
Pick a point

Snap to the endpoint of the arc

Press [Enter] to end the command
A front view is created based on top and right views

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