Friday, March 30, 2018


Creating Page Setup

2D working environment for creating drawing sheets
The area within a layout is called paper space, where you can add: 

  • Title block
  • Display scaled views of model space within layout viewports
  • Create tablesschedulesnotes, and dimensions for your drawing.

Creating Page Setup

Each layout stores its own page setup which controls the appearance and format for displaying and printing each layout

Layout tab - Right-clcik - Page Setup Manager

Click New
New page setup name: A4 Landscape
Click OK

Specify Plotter/ Printer, Paper sizePlot area and Plot style table.
Click OK

Click Set Current
Click Close

Select viewport and delete it

Creating Layout Viewport

Layout viewports are objects that display views of model space
On each layout, you can create one or more layout viewports. 
Each layout viewport is like a closed circuit TV monitor of a view of the model at a scale and orientation that you specify.

Layout tab > Layout Viewports panel > Named

Click New Viewports tab
Select Single
Click OK

Press [Enter] to fit

Viewport fit the printable area

Switch between Paper Space and Model Space

Make objects changes in layout, you need to switch to model space.

Double-click in the viewport
Model space icon displayed to indicate that the current status is model

Click GridModel icon

Grids turn off in model

Double-click outside viewport to return back to paper space
Model space icon disappear

Rename Layout

Double-click on Layout1 tab
Enter a new name to rename it

Modify Page Setup

Layout2 tab - Right-click - Page Setup Manager

Click Modify

Specify Plotter/ Printer, Paper sizePlot area and Plot style table.
Click OK

Click Close

Select the viewport and delete

Creating Multiple Layout Viewports

Layout tab > Layout Viewports panel > Named

Select New Viewports tab
Select Four Equal
Viewport Spacing: 4
Click OK

Press [Enter] for the default Fit option

4 viewports fit equally in the printable area with viewport spacing 4

Viewport Scale

Double-click in the lower-right corner viewport to activate it
Zoom and pan to place the view

Set the scale to 1:50

Click Lock icon to lock the viewport prevent it being change

Pick point in lower-left viewport and make it current
Zoom and pan to the Elevator area

Set the scale to 1:50 and lock it

Pick point in top-right viewport to make it current
Zoom and pan to Printer Island area

Set the scale to 1:50 and lock it

Pick point in top-left viewport to make it current
Zoom and pan to Office area next to Printer Island

Set the scale to 1:50 and lock it

Double-click outside the viewport to return back to paper space

Resize Viewport

Select viewport ot displayed the grips
Click to make the grip hot and resize the viewport

Repeat the same steps to resize other viewports

Press [Esc] to deactivate the grips

Monday, March 26, 2018



Multiline Text

Create several paragraphs of text as a single multiline text object
With the build-in editor, you can format the text appearance, columns and boundaries.

Annotate tab > Text panel > Multiline Text

Pick a corner to another corner to specify the text boundary

Select the text style

Specify the text height

Enter the multiline text

Pick a point outside the text editor to end it

Copy Text from Document

Annotate tab > Text panel > Multiline Text

Pick a corner to another corner diagonally

Ctrl + C to copy text from document

Ctrl + V to paste the text to text editor

Pick a point outside text editor to end it
Text copy from document retain the text style and format

Import Text from RTF File

Annotate tab > Text panel > Multiline Text

Pick a corner to another corner to specify the boundary

Text Editor tab > Tools panel > Import Text

File of Type: Rich Text File (*.rtf)
Select the RTF file
Select Open

Paragraph of text import into the text editor

Pick a point outside the text editor to end it
The imported text retain the text style and format

Import Text from Text File TXT

Annotate tab > Text panel > Multiline Text

Pick a corner to another corner

Text Editor tab > Tools panel > Import Text

File of type: Text File (*.txt)
Select the text file and click Open

Pragraph of text import into the text editor

Text import from text file retain the text style, but not the format.

Single Line Text

Create one or more lines of text, where each line is an independent object that you can move, format or modify.

Annotate tab > Text panel > Single Line

Command line: Justify

Select MC

Specify middle point

Specify height: 10

Specify rotation angle of text: 0

Enter the text
Press [Enter] twice to end the input

Repeat the same steps to create another text object

Annotate tab > Text panel > Single Line

Specify middle point

Press [Enter] to accept the previous text height 10

Press [Enter] to accept the previous angle 0

Enter the text
Press [Enter] to second line

Enter second line of text

Press [Enter] twice to end the input

Text Editing

Multiline Text

Double-click on the multiline text object
Text Editor ribbon display and allow to edit multiple formatting

Single Line Text

Select single line text object to display properties on Properties palette
Only 6 type of farmatting allow to edit:
Style, Justify, Height, Rotation, Width factor and Oblique.

Double-click on single line text object

Add or delete text as need

Pick point outside to end the editing