Thursday, March 15, 2018

Dimension Edit

Grip Edit

Stretch the dimension by grip

Adjust Space

Adjusts the spacing between linear dimensions or angular dimensions

Annotate tab > Dimensions panel > Adjust Space

Select Base Dimension (Fix - Not move)

Select other dimensions to space
Press [Enter]

Enter 15 for the spacing

Other dimensions adjust with the equal spacing

Dimension Break

Breaks or restores dimension and extension lines where they cross other objects

Annotate tab > Dimensions panel > Break

Select dimension

Select object or dimension intersect with the dimension

Select another intersect object

Dimension Text Justify

Alignes dimension text to left, center or right.

Annotate panel > Dimensions panel expand > Left Justify

Select the dimension

Dimension text aligned to left

Dimension Text Override

Overriding dimension text

Select the dimension
Properties palette - Text - Text override: 500
Press [Enter]

Add Jogline

Adds or removes a jog line on a linear or aligned dimension
Indicate a break in the objects being dimensioned
The dimension value represents the actual distance, rather than the measured distance.

Annotate tab > Dimensions panel > Jogline

Select the dimension

Pick a location

Dimension Text Angle

Rotate dimension text to an angle

Annotate tab > Dimensions panel expand > Text Angle

Select the dimension

Enter 30

Dimension text rotate 30 degrees

Dimension Text Edit

Add text before or after dimension text

Select multiple dimensions

Properties palette - Text - Text override: <> mm
Press [Enter]

'mm' added after the dimensions

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